Monday, March 17, 2014

Haigh waist denim -Croptop-Black ( GALS NIGHT OUT )

   Friends. They are the one that keeps your secrets , makes you laugh , listen to your series of heart broken stories and most of all , they are the one who loves to go out and just walk with you .

   This is a Saturday date night with my gals ( TISH && ABBY ) .  Tish is my sister in blood and Abby is my spiritual sister and I love them both .
   For this night , I finally wore this  high-waisted denim jeans . I think a friend of my mom gave this to me when I was young but its too big for me back then . I paired it with a white crop top shirt and black studed cut-out shoes . I dont wear too much accessories just two rings and earrings , leather bag and black belt. I'm banging my not combed hair and kissing my red lipstick all the way :)
   creepy right ? :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Class A , vintage

   Classy Vintage style . The laced long sleeve top is the ultimate vintage style I think I have in my closet . Vintage style doesnt wear out or go out of fashion , its more classy as times go by .
I paired mine with a black short balloon skirt , black stockings and brown boots . The bag also goes on the vintage category so its cool to have it on .

I dont have a professional photographer , but my sister is a good one . My dad took this photos , though its a little different from what I expected , it turns out great when cropped and edited :) So thanks Paps ! <3

Saturday, March 1, 2014

PLAID && PLITS && NET ( Flashback outfits )

    I love finding old clothes that I own when I was younger and finding out it still fits me well <3
For example :
 The brown plaid Dress - My mom bought this for my younger sister when she was in grade school , and it's too small for her , so .. me , being skinny , was grateful having this . Its been 8 years and it still fits well on me.

 The Black pleated skirt - I own this when I was in high school , its a little shorter now but the waist size doesnt change ! hahaha :D

This is one of the reason why I keep some of my clothes <3 :) You'll never know when to wear it.


Friday, February 28, 2014

PASTEL && DENIM ( crop top , high waist )

   I'ts FRIDAAAAYY ! YAY ! it's gonna be a busy weekend for  me , how bout your's ? any plans for the weekends ? :)

 As I told you gals before , I love Thrifting . And YES , my top is thrifted . I bought it near us and when I touched and hold it I bought it right away . It's a crop top and its  furry . I love the color , its baby pink with floral touch .
 Crop top or midriff is best for high waisted skirt,jeans , shorts . It gives you the long legged feeling . sexy <3

Friday, February 7, 2014

Tumblr Sketch

 I'm on tublr too , and seeing those preeetyy sketches , drawings and photo's makes me wanna grab my pencil and paper . Here's one :) I used black ballpen and black gel pen .

Monday, January 27, 2014

Teen Mom Fashion

          I'm not busy , I just died temporarily for about 2 months... I guess . It's really , I mean SERIOUSLY hard and tried to continue and activate my blogging mood but I just caaant !!! SO HOORAAYY FOR TODAY ! it's 12:28 a.m and I'm starting my first blog post this year =))

         I'm a Teen Mom and going out with my hyper active boy is very exhausting. Hanging out with him means me wearing a SIMPLE outfit , like : SHIRT + JEANS/ shorts+ FLATS/ rubber shoes or Summer Dress + Doll shoes ,because I run all the time ( not really , I have my little big sis with me ) and get messy playing too .

       Despite the messy , haggard-look-later face, I'm still FASHIONABLY fashionable =)  So here's some personal tips on Me Time , Baby Time , DATE TIME  :

 - wear less to NO make-up ( I keep mine LESS make-up )
 - you can wear shirt , simple blouse , sleeveless or any comfy and simple top
 - if you think your top's a little revealing , wear an underneath clothes like a halter top or tube top 
 - Jeans , baggy pants not skirt
 - flat shoes like sandals , rubber shoes , slippers
 - less to no accessories ( You dont want them missing )
 - incase of emergency bring extra's : extra top and pants =)